
Hamid has a solid academic background in Telecommunication/computer engineering. He has been involved in teaching and academic roles since 2008 and has over 10 years of industry experience in robotics and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV). He is a professional Engineering Australia and ACS (Australian Computer Society) member.

A/Prof Salarian is a PhD graduate from the University of Wollongong in Telecommunication in 2014, received a BS degree in computer engineering (hardware major) from Ferdowsi University – Mashhad and an MS degree in computer architecture from Isfahan University of Technology, Iran in 2005 and 2008. His research focused on energy consumption in wireless sensor networks and wireless sensor actuator networks, particularly the effect of mobility in increasing system lifetime. He has published high-quality journal articles in this field.

A/Prof Salarian’s philosophy is to establish and maintain effective links with business, commerce and industry organisations relevant to the school’s teaching and learning activities to provide students with first-hand professional experience in the industry.

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