Ashwini Shivabasappa

Ashwini Shivabasappa

Ashwini has been researcher and educator with over 7 years’ teaching experience. She has held many academic positions at universities and educational institutions. Her responsibilities include planning and revising curriculum as well as content development. She is a committed and enthusiastic lecturer with a passion for sharing knowledge and inspiring students. Her expertise lies in programming, data analytics, networking, data modelling and database concepts, and internetworking technologies.


Ashwini has been researcher and educator with over 7 years of teaching experience. She has held many academic positions at universities and educational institutions in Australia and overseas. As an academic, her expertise lies in computer science and engineering, Data analytics, Networking Fundamentals and Data Modelling and Database concepts.

Teaching Philosophy

I have demonstrated commitment and enthusiasm for teaching and have a passion for sharing knowledge and inspiring students. As an educator, I value creative thinking and I encourage them to use novel ways to demonstrate their knowledge.

Through classroom discussion, hands-on activities, I help them to think creatively and explore concepts. I aim to create learning environment and provide students the tools to analyse information and situations and effectively solve problems.

Academic Qualifications
  • Doctor of Philosophy [2018-Present]
    Area of Research: Data Analytics
    Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India
  • Master of Technology in Computer Science [Sep 2015]
    Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India
  • Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science [June 2009]
    Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum, India

Teaching Areas

Programming Languages: C, C++, C#, Java, Unix System Programming, Phyton
System Software: Operating systems, Distributed computing, 8086 micro-processor
Major units: Computer Networks, Security in Networks, Web Designing, Data Structures, Data Mining, Information and Network Security, Computer Organization and System Architecture, Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Modelling and Database concepts, Virtualization techniques

Scholarship and Research Areas
  • Data Analytics
  • Network Security

Grants and Awards
  • First place in National Level Technical Symposium for Hobby Project.
  • Second place in National Level Technical Symposium for On-Spot Programming


Peer Reviewed Journal Papers

  • Document Clustering Techniques using Hadoop Framework: A Survey, Ashwini K S, Dr Shantala C P, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138, March 2020, Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 663-666.
  • Dynamic Management of Virtual Machines for Server Consolidation in Data Centers, Ashwini K S, Prof Shantala C P, Girish L, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering and Technology (IJARCET), ISSN:2278-1323, May 2015, Volume 4 Issue 5, pp. 2084-2087.
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