Lankani Croos

Lankani Croos

Lankani holds a Master of Technology in Enterprise Systems and Business Analytics, complemented by over three years of valuable experience in the Australian education sector. As a lecturer for undergraduate courses, Lankani is dedicated to making classes exciting and helping students succeed. Her expertise lies in Information Technology, Data Analytics, and Business Information Systems. Lankani’s academic pursuits also include extending the theory of planned behavior to analyze patterns of the usage of AI-based Large Language Models (LLMs) among tertiary students. Furthermore, her research interests extend to Human Resource Management disciplines such as Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.

Beyond her teaching responsibilities, Lankani conducts Academic Support workshops on campus, offering invaluable guidance and assistance to students encountering academic hurdles or aiming to enhance their English language proficiency. With genuine enthusiasm for helping students excel in their studies, she enjoys supporting them to do their best in school.

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