
Governance and Leadership

Through quality governance and leadership, Australia Advance Education Group Pty Ltd trading as the Sydney International School of Technology and Commerce (TEQSA PRV14311, CRICOS 03836J, ABN 746 130 55440) is committed to delivering quality higher education to all students.

Our Mission

Our mission is to build human and social capital through education and is committed to producing highly skilled graduates who are ready to take their place as part of the global workforce.

Our Vision

We are a preferred global study destination for students and employees.

Our Values

In delivering our mission and vision, we are guided by the following values:

  • Quality in Everything We Do
  • Students at the Centre
  • Diversity and Global Citizenship
  • Integrity, Trust, and Respect
  • Freedom of Expression
  • Strong Stakeholder Partnerships.

The purpose of AAEG is to advance knowledge through the provision of affordable high-quality tertiary education and to foster an international academic environment in which students acquire life-long learning and skills that prepare graduates for their careers and professional roles in the general community.

Our Purpose

advance knowledge through the provision of affordable high-quality tertiary education foster an international academic environment in which students acquire lifelong learning and skills to prepare graduates for their careers and professional roles in the general community.

To achieve this, we:

  • operate, maintain and promote the delivery of higher education courses in Australia
  • promote free inquiry and research among its teachers in their field of expertise, students and encourage the application of knowledge
  • deliver courses of study to meet the needs of the community while paying particular attention to new and emerging fields of study
  • promote the general welfare and development of students and employees of AAEG that we consider desirable for social, cultural and intellectual discourse
  • actively pursue collaborative relationships with other higher education institutions nationally and internationally for the benefit of its students
  • confer accredited degrees and award diplomas, certificates and other recognised awards to qualified students
  • maintain our registration as an approved higher education provider
  • obtain or maintain the approval of relevant governmental or statutory organisations for any undertakings or courses.

Our Governance Structure

Our Organisational Chart

Our Constitution

The Australia Advance Education Group Pty Ltd (AAEG) Board of Directors as the corporate governing body is established under the AAEG Constitution and is collectively responsible for all AAEG governance, operations and course delivery.

Statement of Financial Standing

Australia Advance Education Group Pty Ltd trading as the Sydney International School of Technology and Commerce (TEQSA PRV14311, CRICOS 03836J, ABN 746 130 55440) provides our statement of financial standing in compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021.

  • Statement of Financial Standing (including Directors’ Declaration)

Relevant Standards in the HES Framework

The principal Standards that require us to publish information about our ‘financial standing’ are in Part A of the HES Framework: 7.3.1d and 7.3.1k and are linked to other Standards concerning corporate governance (6.2.1b, 6.2.1c and 6.2.1d) and the provision of information to students (7.2.1).

Tuition Assurance Arrangements

The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is an initiative of the Australian Government that assists students whose education provider is unable to deliver fully a course of study. AAEG is a member of the TPS scheme, and in the unlikely event that AAEG (SISTC) ceases to provide a course of study, ceases to operate as an Institute of Higher Education, or suffers a major incident affecting its operations, the TPS will assist students to find an alternative course or to obtain a refund of their unspent tuition fees.

Contact the TPS
If you are an international student and require TPS assistance, please contact the TPS.

Our Corporate Governing Body is our Board of Directors (Board or BoD)

Our Board of Directors

  • governs and leads our activity and pursues our purpose
  • discharges its responsibilities under the Corporations Law, our Constitution, the Higher Education Standards Framework (HESF) and the Education Services for Overseas Students Act (ESOS Act)
  • oversees risk management and quality assurance
  • delegates academic governance to the Academic Board
  • approves and oversees resources
  • oversees policy and planning frameworks.

Board of Directors

  • James Barber


    James Barber

    AM BA(Hon) PhD DUni(hc)

    Chair the Board of Directors

  • John Tarrant


    John Tarrant

    BA BCom BSc LLB(Hon) LLM MDefStud SJD PhD

    Independent Non Executive Board Member

  • Michael Abraham

    Michael Abraham

    BCom CPA

    Independent Non Executive Board Member

Our Academic Governing Body is our Academic Board (AB)

Our Board of Directors established our Academic Board as the academic governing body responsible for academic quality, standards and governance, and the principal policy-making and advisory body on all academic matters.

Our Academic Board provides independent competent academic leadership to and oversight of all academic activity and ensures that it develops and delivers higher education that engages with advanced knowledge and inquiry and prepares students for employment or further study.

Our Academic Board is responsible for:

  • learning and teaching
  • academic staff
  • courses
  • academic policies
  • monitoring and review
  • integrity of qualifications
  • evidence-based advice and reporting.

Academic Board

  • Anchal Pathak

    Anchal Pathak

    MBus BSc(Hon) BIT Graduate Diploma in Early Childhood (Education)

    Deputy Director of Student Services & Ex Officio Board Member

  • Archie Johnston

    Emeritus Professor (USyd and UTS)

    Archie Johnston


    Chair and Independent Member

  • Hamid Salarian

    Associate Professor

    Hamid Salarian

    PhD MEng BEng

    Academic Dean

  • Helmut Lueckenhausen

    Professor Helmut Lueckenhausen

    Helmut Lueckenhausen

    PhD FDIA FRSA JBK(H) Malaysia

    Independent Non Executive Board Member

  • Indhi Emmanuel

    Indhi Emmanuel

    BSc Eng(Hons) MAcc MBA CPA GAICD

    Chief Executive Officer & Ex Officio Board Member

  • Melody Anderson


    Melody Anderson

    DipTeach(Primary) BEd(PrimEd) MEd DEd

    Independent Non Executive Board Member

  • Nadeera Ahangama

    Associate Professor

    Nadeera Ahangama

    PhD MSc BSc

    Associate Dean

  • Raad Raad

    Associate Professor

    Raad Raad

    BE Hon1 PhD University of Wollongong

    Independent Non Executive Board Member

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